oBravo’s Signature range of patented earphones and headphones features their incredible in-house Air Motion Transformer technology. Capable of delivering your favourite music to you up to five times faster than conventional technology is capable of.
oBravo pride themselves on their AMT technology and it features in their flagship line of products for a truly unique and intimate experience. The Ra is the only earphone from oBravo to exclusively feature a generation 2 AMT tweeter.
Every model in our Signature range of headphones and earphones offer the best technology that oBravo can currently provide. Everything from exotic materials and most expensive components are all used inside our Signature range. This product range is at the the very top of what can be achieved and we believe that this performance cannot be attained elsewhere.
The gorgeous carbon fiber on our headphones reduces the weight dramatically, offering a more comfortable listening experience, alongside the addition of the legendary Mundorf MCap.
Our stunningly beautiful Ra C Cu earphones represent the finest in in-ear products, featuring a completely copper enclosure and precision ceramic tube to house the technology, the Ra C Cu’s sonic performance is truly outstanding.